Investigation of Truth - 00

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Now I know Truth ...
No I don't .. I'm a Lair .. or am I Not .. !?

1-   Agnostic  Background.
2-   The non-intentioned Media.
3-    Islam Elegance.

However as an Agnostic; I cannot assert a state of certain assured knowledge. Although sometimes I do, but at least I consider it a short of sight. For those who are not familiar with Agnosticism, specifically i mean strong background about it kindly skip the last two sentences and continue reading :). But of course it's from short insight also to deny reason, facts & results. So a moderate state seems reasonable enough, as it's clear for an amateur that human mind abilities are limited or more appropriately not-Error free.

That's why my Agnosticism view doesn't contradicts with my Islamic Belief. the elegance and beauty of Islam lie upon the ultimately reasonable facts it does define for the world among us.

And that's what I'm planning to talk about in the next period in my blog. I will try to investigate some of the issues that was held against Islam and describe how those issues turned out among near history to be the best non-intentioned Media For this Mesmerizing Ideology. But of course for an Environment that defines logic, Science & Human Morals to be the criteria that control their minds and help them judge & reason what they are exposed to in their real life.

Our investigation is obligatory- I believe, we are asked to wonder, inquire, and register in a non-ending quest for truth. It will be also with the same level of elegance that Islam came with. That elegance that freed people minds for centuries from being under the slavery of their whims and minds. The same elegance that inspired Muslim scholars, Engineers, Doctors with ultimate levels of innovation in the early centuries. And of course the same elegance that is mesmerizing lots of minds today, and hopefully will lead to the renaissance of this community again !

I hope it wasn't an long boring intro, but I wanted to win some time by starting with a topic. but I have to stop now and continue later :)

I Wish my words were not of Mistakes, else I Wish Allah's Forgiveness for any.